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A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis of the K-12 Education Policy Making in Sudan and the Need for Reforms
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By following the qualitative evidence synthesis, this article reports on how education policy is made in Sudan by considering
the contextual, socio-economical background of Sudanese education in the pre –post colonial era. Out of 39 published and
unpublished documents, 33 documents were synthesized to answer these research questions: (1) who is responsible for
education policymaking, and (2) how is the education policy made in Sudan? The analyses report that the promulgations of
marco education policy in Sudan have been developed based on the contributions of different entities/bodies with a lack
of transparency and consistency. The findings call for the presence of a transparent, consistent, integrated framework for
education policymaking in the nation, which in effect facilitates the processes of effective implementations
Alnuaman Alamin(2022)A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis of the K-12 Education Policy Making in Sudan and the Need for Reform.nileuniversity